So right off the top I want to point out that this is not a tutorial created by me. This is a tutorial from Digital Vector Studios Limited on how to use the Foley Sampler plugin for both the free and studio version of DaVinci Resolve 16. See their YouTube Channel for more tutorials just like it.
I am posting this now so I can come back to it later when Black Magic Design releases the Foley samples that are due any day now.
Be sure to check out the Be Creative link at the top of this page for more information about where to find DaVinci Resolve as well as many other tools for content creation.
So after playing with DR16 Beta for a couple of weeks I would definitely recommend that you wait for a more stable beta (or the 1.0 release) because, at least on the PC, this one is not anywhere near the stable mark. I moved back to 15 on all three of my PC’s and I have a pretty high toleration for wonky beta software. I am posting the What’s new in DaVinci resolve 16 video anyway because there is some cool features that are right around the corner.
I have high hopes that the next release, which should be dropping soon is a bit closer to production ready so I can try out the Cut Page a bit more.
Casey Faris published this video on his YouTube channel about Nodes in DaVinci Resolve, which is the best explanation of nodes that I have ever seen. I love that he used a real world task like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to explain a seemingly complex process.
It made the workflow so understandable that it has inspired me to get started in Fusion today, which has been my least used tab (almost nil) of the DaVinci Resolve suite of post production tools. I am so excited for what this will lead to….
In my early exploration of Razor Pages I had thought of them as a hi-bred of Web Forms and ASP MVC. And several months later I still think of them that way. And although I am still not completely sold on the idea. I do think they are an interesting and plan to spend more time working with them on my next project. having said that, the question I am still asking myself is “What is different about Razor pages”.
Another resource and one that I cannot say enough good things about is this book, “ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC And Razor Pages For Beginners: How to Build a Website” by Jonas Fagerberg. I thought I had already wrote about it on this blog before but couldn’t find any post mentioning it. So this is the mention and I will include the review that I added to Amazon’s site
I have bought dozens of technical/programming books over the last 10 years covering every topic on the Microsoft stack and this book rates as one of the best. The author has a great ability to teach you how to use the tooling to quickly create decent looking “real world” applications. I have dabbled in ASP.Net core and bought a couple of Core books before this one but wasn’t able to stick with them cover to cover as I have this one. In fact I found it so helpful that I bought a physical copy to go along with the Kindle version I originally bought.
Two things that I should note is that they have done something different with the code formatting in this book then I have never seen in any other Kindle book. The code is in color and is formatted like it would be in the book (although the book version isn’t in color). It almost looks like an image of the code block was pasted into the text. But it is not an image because you can copy and paste into your editor. If you have ever purchased a ASP code book on Kindle you will know what a mess the code formatting usually is. I am hoping that all future programming books do the same thing. What a treat!
The other thing to know is that the author has you use a third party tool to use in one of the tutorials, which between the time this book was finished and now the maker of that tool no longer offers a free version of it. I contacted the vendor and they said my only option was to buy a year subscription to try it out and they would refund my money if I requested it up to 30 days.
There are a few minor code issues but they were easy to debug so no show stoppers there. Based on my experience I think that if you go into this book with prior (even just a little) ASP.Net knowledge you will have no issue learning how to build out a full Core web application with just this book. .
See some of whats new in Visual Studio 2019 in this Highlights video from Microsoft
The launch date for VS 2019 is April 2nd, 2019 (more information about that here). You can also download and test the preview here. I have been using for a couple of weeks now and other than missing Ankh SVN integration I am loving it.
Blackmagic Design has made a curriculum designed for new users and established professionals to become certified on DaVinci Resolve 15. The curriculum includes both video and written material and is provided for free here.
I have posted about the videos before, but they have now also included, for free, PDF versions of the same books that are available in print (or Kindle) on Amazon. Both the books and the videos designed to teach you the skills you need to be more creative, work faster, and get the job done efficiently.
Blackmagic’s training material is always top notch and the the cost to get on board is so low. I, now, have no excuse not to get certified.
Update: The meeting was postponed and will now be on February 2nd, 2019. So if you weren’t able to make that January date you now have another opportunity.
On Saturday, January 26, 2019 the Kalamazoo Film Maker’s are going to host their First Production Meeting. The idea is that we are going to make a video to promote some person place or thing. The important part, however, is not the subject. The important part is the workflow of getting from an idea to a video.
As of the today the subject hasn’t been decided so if you would like to contribute please join the group and cast your vote here. We are still in the early phases of the group so our membership and participation are still on the low side.
This meeting is going to be held at the Kalamazoo Library Central Branch on 315 South Rose Street in Kalamazoo, MI. The seating is limited so if you are interested please join the group and RSVP soon.
Blackmagic Design has added several new and free resources for learning DaVinci Resolve 15. In fact, at the rate they are releasing them now, I would recommend that you check out their YouTube Page for updates.
For this post I am going to link only to the videos that are based on getting around the Resolve interface and not include those that focus on BM’s hardware panels etc. Currently they have all the Resolve 15 tabs covered except the Fairlight tab, which is the audio editing tab. My expectation is that the Fairlight video
I am going to order these videos by Resolves intended workflow (tab order) and not necessarily how I use it. Or for that matter the order I watch the videos. First off we have the Introduction to Editing video. Update: On 12/21/2018 they introduced a video about managing media inside Resolve so I am going to insert that one in right before the editing tab because, well, workflow.
Media Tab
Edit Tab
Next we have the VFX and Graphics videos.
Fusion Tab Video 1
Fusion Tab Video 2
Next we have the color grading video.
Color Grading Tab
And the audio editing page
Fairlight audio editing tab Video 1
Fairlight audio editing tab Video 2
And lastly the delivery page.
Delivery Tab
So while I have not made it through all these videos I can still highly recommend them. The one and a half that I have been through is rich with Resolve information. And in general all of Blackmagic’s training material is top notch. I own both of their certification books and have watched every video they have produced related to the Resolve 15 product.
The Kalamazoo Filmmakers Group has scheduled their next meeting on December 1st from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Currently the location hasn’t been set but I will update this posts when one is secured. If you are interested in coming you can RSVP at the Meetup page here.
I lifted the following from the Meet Up site.
Basic editing workshop that will demonstrate the video editing software Adobe Premiere. Theory and and technical aspects can be applied to other editing software such as iMovie, Final Cut, or Avid.
Bring in footage and work on your own content! I can provide some stock footage if you don’t have any at the moment.
I like the idea of starting on the concepts of editing and not focusing on the editor itself. Because as Rhett says on the MeetUp page the knowledge is transferable to any editor. I, for one, am anxious to apply what I learn to my favorite NLE DaVinci Resolve.
Practice Footage
Also if anyone knows of a place in Kalamazoo where we can meet please let us know in the comments. Right now we are meeting at the Kalamazoo Public Library and the rooms are very small and meeting times can be limited.
As a side note to the MeetUp meetings I would also like to do some online meetups. So if anyone out there is interested in learning the basics or exploring some of the mid level parts of DaVinci Resolve contact me via email or through the comments of this post and I will try and put something together.
DaVinci Resolve 15.2 was released today. For the complete list of changes and additions you can review them on the DaVinci Resolve site here. The tl;dr version can be seen on the video below.
I hate to repeat myself but this product just keeps getting better and better with every update.