Note to self: Going forward use DataTable Compute when summing data in a DataTable (C#)
I am a little embarrassed to admit the number of times, prior to today, that I have used a loop to get summary information from a DataTable. Needless to say, in retrospect, one time was too many times.
So today while looking for a better way to sum data from a very large amount of rows I ran across the DataTable Compute Method, which allows you to get aggregated data out of data tables efficiently. The following aggregate types are supported in expression:
- Sum (Sum)
- Avg (Average)
- Min (Minimum)
- Max (Maximum)
- Count (Count)
- StDev (Statistical standard deviation)
- Var (Statistical variance)
Example code and screen cap of the results shown below.
static void Main()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = GetPeopleTable();
// Get total number of records in a dataset (no filter)
object countRows = dt.Compute("Count(FirstName)", "");
Console.WriteLine("Record Count = " + countRows);
// Get total number of records where the birthdates after 1/1/2000 (filtered)
object birthsAfter2k = dt.Compute("Count(FirstName)", "BirthDate > '1/1/2011'");
Console.WriteLine("# of birth dates > 1/1/2000: " + birthsAfter2k);
// Get the earliest birth date in data table
object earliestBirthDate = dt.Compute("Min(BirthDate)", "");
Console.WriteLine("Earliest birth date = " + earliestBirthDate);
// Get the latest birth date in data table
object latestBirthDate = dt.Compute("Max(BirthDate)", "");
Console.WriteLine("Latest birth date = " + latestBirthDate);
// Get the number of records where last name = Ford (filtered)
object lastNameIsFord = dt.Compute("Count(LastName)", "LastName = 'Ford'");
Console.WriteLine("# of names that equal Ford = " + lastNameIsFord);
// Get the sum of an entire column in a data table
object combinedAges = dt.Compute("Sum(Age)", "");
Console.WriteLine("Combined Ages = " + combinedAges);
private static DataTable GetPeopleTable()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("BirthDate", typeof(DateTime));
table.Columns.Add("Age", typeof(int));
table.Rows.Add("Joe", "Dirt", "12/1/1966", 49);
table.Rows.Add("Bob", "Oldheart", "1/11/1970", 45);
table.Rows.Add("Stan", "Ford", "3/3/1958", 57);
table.Rows.Add("Dan", "Dunn", "8/7/1981", 34);
table.Rows.Add("Sue", "Clay", "11/11/2011", 4);
table.Rows.Add("Wendy", "Lisa", "7/5/2014", 1);
return table;
And the results look like this
Lear more about the DataTable Compute method at MSDN.