As of today (June 29th 2015) if you search google for Buck Hicks you will not find this blog. You may see some indirect links from Face Book where you could find me among some other Buck Hicks’ and eventually make it back to this site. But I don’t want to rely on Face Book for my success. You may also find me indirectly from links to other websites I have posted to or been involved with over the years but again I don’t want to rely on links from other sites for my success. I want this site to be the number one returned result for any search containing my name.
So this post is to mark this day and to serve as a reference for when I make it to number one. I should also say that I am not doing this for any sense of vanity. I am doing this so when someone looks for Buck Hicks as a potential technology consultant they will find me and not one of the other Buck Hicks listed on the first couple of result pages from Google.